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22 Oct 2024 Tue 10:42 PM
Franchise agent

Earn and share agency plans

Each member will automatically become a registered member of the agency plan. Each member can promote and recruit new members through their own online platform. The more new members you recruit, the higher your commission bonus will be. Yes, the way to earn commission is that simple.

How the commission is calculated:

Registered members must log in and click on "My Wallet". Each member can promote the website through various propaganda media. E.g:

Facebook, blog, Weibo, QQ, WeChat, Whatsapp, email, forum, website, SMS, etc.

New members registered through your promotion link will automatically become your life-long downline, and you can enjoy life-long agency commissions.

All members you recruit within a week will be summarized, and the system will calculate your commission amount (%) on a weekly basis.

The offline commission will be credited to the online account on the 1-5 of each month.

Sports betting/live entertainment/electronic games

Sports betting/live entertainment/electronic games
Total profit commission Monthly active members Pay dividends
0 ~ 19999 10% 5 lower 1-5 Within
20000 ~ 299999 20% 5 lower 1-5 Within
Next 300000+ 30% 5 lower 1-5 Within

Calculation: -

All [extra offers] are to be deducted before calculating the bonus commission. The system will give 【Bonus Commission Level】according to the total profit received by the member

Example: The total number of members received by all recruits has lost 120,000, of which 20,000 are [extra discount].

(120000-20000) * 20% = 20000 [Bonus and Commission]

Happening: -

When participating members fail to fully comply with or violate or abuse any company’s preferential or promotional regulations, or we have any evidence that any group or individual invests in the next series of related bets, so that no matter what the result of the match is, it can be guaranteed. We reserve the right to stop or cancel the offer or claim back the paid bonus from this bonus or other promotion provided by the promotion. In addition, the company also reserves the right to deduct administrative expenses equivalent to the value of the preferential bonus from these customers to compensate for our administrative costs. We reserve the right of final interpretation of the event; and the right to modify or terminate the event without notice; applicable to all offers.